Wednesday, 10 June 2015

The Final Stats

Here are the final stats from my GPS

In total my GPS indicates I walked 1135 kilometres, although I have noticed the machine miscalculates about a kilometre per day, so I would estimate my total being closer to 1090 kilometres.

If we take 1090 kilometres to be accurate, then I averaged about 28 kilometres per day of actual walking days (39 walking in total). The GPS records me walking for 464 hours in total (timed from the start of the day until the time I turn the GPS off, including stopping breaks), with an average of 2.4 km per hour.

I ascended approximately 38473 metres, and descended an almost identical amount. That is more than four times the height of Mt Everest, or around the same height Felix Baumgartner jumped from on his record breaking skydive in 2012. My max elevation was 1485m, which I achieved early in the trip around the Tokyo section.

(Note: I include the first two days I walked that were not a part of the official trail in any totals shown)


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